Before and After Pictures
Rhinoplasty Before and After
Individual client results may vary; these pictures do not in any way guarantee a specific outcome.
Patient 1: Narrowing of Nose
Before: Look at my ugly nose, broad and depressed. After: My beautifully narrowed and well projected nose
Patient 2: Hanging Tip Refinement
Patient 3: Depressed Nose Tip
I am loving my nose now, ever before, my life changed after I met Dr. Sriprakash Vinnakota. My Nose Tip Enhanced My Confidence now.
Patient 4: Overall Reduction in Size of Nose
Patient 5: Nose Double Tip is corrected to Single, well projected tip, tip rhinoplasty
Now I Love My Nose after Nose Job at MicroCare with Dr Sriprakash Vinnakota
Patient 6: In this patient, rhinoplasty was performed to reduce the multiple fractures of nose due to injury. he got his nose back.
Patient 7: Open rhinoplasty was performed to narrow the tip of the nose, lift the hanging columella and elevate the depressed dorsum of nose and the deviated septum was straightened for better breathing.
Patient 8: Crooked Nose Correction, nose brodge and Tip Refinement